Friends will be Friends | OneFootball

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·27 settembre 2024

Friends will be Friends

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When I was in the club recently, I had a pint with Ralphy, one of the Sunderland fans who get in here, an octogenarian season ticket holder. With a heavy heart the old fella informed me that one of his best pals, another Tynemouth club member Brian, had sadly passed away.

Ralphy had been mates with Brian for 63 years and the two of them used to share some cracking footballing banter. Brian was one of the overwhelming majority of Newcastle United fans who come in the club. He used to rib Ralphy for his Sunderland allegiance. “How could he support the mackems whilst living on this side of the water?”

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In a previous article, I explained that Ralphy had moved over here from Gateshead 56 years ago and had held a Sunderland season ticket way back in the 1960s.

I’ve never ever heard him say anything disparaging about Newcastle United and I try to be as polite and diplomatic in Ralphy’s company as possible, whenever the mackems are discussed or on the TV etc.

I suppose a lot of that is because I believe in being respectful to older chaps in general, but alas, Ralphy does know how much I dislike the mackems.

Since I’ve been contributing to The Mag, most of the lads and lasses in the club have become regular readers of the forum. Ralphy is no exception, he’s told me that his family also enjoy me giving some of the old boys a shout out.

My mate Auld Ellas is 70 soon and has a party in the club coming up. I wish he would slow down a bit but he is my regular drinking buddy and great company.

Just like me, Ellas’ life revolves around Newcastle United. He is former NME and along with my good self, one of the original and founding members of The Gloaters.

Ralphy of course was at Roker Park on the beautiful day that Sunderland were condemned to the 3rd Division by the mighty Gillingham. Me and the lads sometimes try to wind him up about it.

That is now 37 years ago, I was in my 20s, Ellas in his 30s, Ralphy was in his mid-40s.

Time waits for no man and that is why a lot of us older Newcastle United fans come across as impatient and slightly downhearted after a setback for the Toon.

I have met some great lads and forged wonderful lasting friendships since I began following my beloved black and whites.

Micky Willis, Big Stevie Grant, the late Simon Jones and Stevie Bestford, Dena, Basher, Headsy, Hixy, Monkhouse, Steve Henderson, Keith Wilson, Jimmy Spence, Fuzza and Colin Watson, plus of course Auld Ellas (apologies if my memory isn’t what it was and I have left anybody out, sure I will have done).

Not forgetting my family, you all, along with many others, have been there with me throughout my Toon journey. Let us all hope and pray for a happy ending.

As the lyrics in Queen’s 1984 hit Friends will be Friends say;

‘When you’re through with life And all hope is lost, Hold out your hand ‘Cause Friends will be Friends… Right till the End.’

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